2021 turned into a year that one could describe in a variety of ways. It was a year marked by loss, frustration, restriction, but it was also a year of growth, change (in a good way), and freedom. It would be easy to wallow in all that seemingly went wrong, or didn't turn out as we dreamed it would, however, I am an excessively positive person, and strive to find the good, even when it seems unattainable.
We found a way to eliminate debt through wise spending, we travelled (in an RV) across a small portion of this great country, which included seeing the marvel that is the Grand Canyon, as well as discovering a new favorite destination, Lava Hot Springs. We grew our egg business, and despite it not turning out to be the most profitable this year, because we had to build infrastructure, we learned many valuable lessons. Some lessons can not be learned second hand, at least not for the hard headed (myself) who learns best by doing.
We said goodbye to loved ones, after the loss of my mother, as well as my wife losing a life long friend. These were hard things to process, yet, it offered room for growth. The loss of Shannon (Shawna's friend) led to our church family growing, as several of her family members committed their life to Christ in the wake of her passing. We got to see how God could redeem a life through a tragedy.
After we lost my mother, I was keenly reminded of exactly how important the relationships with my siblings is. The youngest of four meant that I had three incredible people whom I grew up learning from, both good lessons and bad. The opportunity to learn is always present if we are open to the experience and receiving the instruction.
So what does that mean for 2022??? As I pondered what I desire for this coming year, I am reminded that it means nothing to "want" something, we need to actively pursue it. This year will be a year of pursuit. This means action, not resting on the desire to have something happen, taking action to see it come to fruition. First and foremost, this will be a year of pursuing Jesus. Not just in my personal relationship with Him, but also in my motivation for all things. Paul tells us "Whatever you do in word of deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." (Col 3:17)
The growth in relationship with Jesus is critical to growing in all other relationships. This mindset will be how I will pursue Him in all things, as though doing it for the Lord. This blog post alone, is the first step in that pursuit for 2022, as I hope to grow deeper with Jesus this year through writing, as well as sharing my life and faith with others in the process, and thus pursuing more relationships.
2022 will not be marked by another year of wishing that I had done more, or had started that project, or been brave enough to share my voice. 2022 will be a year of action realized through pursuit of dreams and relationships, led by faith and not fear.
Pursuit is a great word for this year!