I am guilty of being both overly focused on specific tasks, and at the same time due to a short attention span, lacking the attention to stay focused. This morning was one of those mornings. Having over 150 chickens means that I have to be up with the sun, because they are up with the sun. During the winter the morning chores are a grind, especially because of the frigid temperatures. In the summer the weather is great, but the sun comes up sometimes before 5am.
As we are in the heart of winter right now, this morning the temperature was just below freezing. This means that I generally become hyper focused in order to get the early morning chores done right about 7 am, and then do them as fast as possible. My eyes become honed in on all aspects of the chickens. Is everyone accounted for? Is there adequate food for the day? Are the waters full, or has the ice been broken so that they hens (and roosters) can drink? Do they need their bedding refreshed?
All of the above questions are part of a daily check list that my brain does on auto pilot. One blessing this morning was that even though it was freezing, most of the waters only needed a small tap to break the ice, and best of all, no rain. Cold can be rough, but cold and wet is miserable. This morning was a great morning on the farm, as the lack of rain made it far easier to get around, and the frost made that wonderful crunch sound with every step I took along the way.
As it turned out, our largest flock needed their food refilled this morning. So as I was opening the coops, filling the food, and checking on the birds, I focus was diverted to the sunrise. This morning I timed the chores, perfectly with creation, and as I crossed the field God's paint brush was on full display. No photograph can ever do justice to what the eye observes, especially with sunrises and sunsets.
I generally am so focused on getting my work done, so I can go inside and warm up, I do not look around that much. I am grateful that today God tapped me on the shoulder and said "look around", as I would have missed some serious inspiration. Getting too focused on tasks and on achieving a desired result can cause us to miss what God is doing around us.
Not I will remind you, that I also said I lacked an efficient attention span. As I snapped a photo of the sunrise, admired God's handiwork, said a prayer, and then headed back inside, I remembered I forgot to feed the birds. I carried the bag of food all the way out to the field, only to leave it sitting on the ground as I enjoyed the beauty of creation. So, another trip out to fill the food, and then inside by the wood stove to start a fire.
Remember, stop, look around, see what God is doing, and remember to feed the birds.